No, I aten’t dead, even though the past few weeks at the Webomator blog have looked exactly as though I was, with the only updates being the automatic posts about new pages at Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual. It’s just the sort of postmortem retro-futurism you should expect from me.
But in fact I’ve been spending a lot of time on a web site redesign for somebody else and spending far too little time getting ahead on the next serial for the Thrilling Tales site. That one’s far enough behind schedule that thoughtful observers, who are probably all me, take a good long look at it and go "Hmmmmm."
But anyway there are Giant Robots, as you can see here. So we can hope that all will be well.
[tags]thrilling tales of the downright unusual, giant robots, no I really mean big huge robots, no honestly it’s nothing but the truth and I’m talking about great big robots stomping down the street and eating all the ice cream trucks they can find, send drumsticks ASAP[/tags]
…and postcards… you’re spending time on postcards, right? (looks at empty mailbox wistfully
Soon! Soon!
I really do have something that nags me whenever I’m not working on them. It’s a SYSTEM, and that has to work, doesn’t it?
Just heard from Ralph and Emma earlier this week. Sounds like they enjoyed their stay in Retropolis. Still haven’t heard whether cousin Louise ever showed up again…
(squee… oh, did I type that out loud?)
If you guys ever compared notes, you might learn a thing or two about Louise :).