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Slumped Glass Night Lights and art glass by Paulette Martin

Filed under Found on the Web

Slumped glass night lights

One nice thing (well, sometimes) about rendering tests is that for a few minutes at a time, I’ve got nothing to do. Now in fact that’s often frustrating, but not always – for example, now.   Look what I found – here are some cool Piratical nightlight in slumped glassslumped glass night lights and other gewgaws from the workshop of my aunt, Paulette Martin. Love that Kokopelli!

Paulette’s off in the southwest, which has seeped into some of her work with its patterns and themes. Her Smugmug account has photos of these objects and loads more, including lamps , vases, and window pieces.

2 responses to “Slumped Glass Night Lights and art glass by Paulette Martin
Christine says:
February 16th, 2008 at 1:08 am

I also work with glass, but I haven’t done any nightlights. Yours are really cool. I especially like the Kokopelli, too.

Check out my Glass Creations!


Barney says:
February 26th, 2008 at 12:11 am

Awesome nightlights. They look so beautiful with the soft colors. The key chain with the cat is very cute. Thanks for sharing the pics.

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