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Nice retro future ray gun by Steven Melendez

Filed under Found on the Web

Steven Melendez is another visitor to the Retropolis Transit Authority who sent me a link to this cool video of the raygun he built recently. Neat!

He says he built it "…incorporating scratch building, laser engraving, and conventional machining with a mill and lathe. It has an auto enamel copper and silver finish with patina."

And it is indeed sweet.

As far as me updates go, I have at least mailed off a mysterious packet for one of those two super secret things I’m doing, though odds are I’ll need to do something else before the whole shebang is ready for its pitch. Back to super secret thing #2, I guess. More anon.

4 responses to “Nice retro future ray gun by Steven Melendez
Ramone says:
August 25th, 2009 at 12:47 am

Uh, the video is locked as ‘private’ so there’s no way anyone can view it unless they were sent a private invite.

Bradley W. Schenck says:
August 25th, 2009 at 8:40 am

Yikes – that’s a new development.

Steven Melendez says:
September 21st, 2009 at 5:30 pm

I had it closed for a couple weeks as the moon people were trying peek at it for their own evil reverse engineering purposes. 😛 It’s back now. I have four videos on youtube that features it so be sure to see them all. Thanks. …also, I love my “Mad Scientist/Grumpy Visionary shirt!

Bradley W. Schenck says:
September 21st, 2009 at 5:47 pm

Curse those Moon people! Curse them, I say!

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