The Life Magazine web site is displaying a gallery of box art from vintage space toys – lots of robots, of course, but there are all the other accessories that amateur spacemen needed back in the day: ray guns, rockets, radios, and even holsters. ‘Cause, you know, our motto was "be prepared". I think that was us, anyway.
They’re including links to buy prints of the images from Getty Images, but those links didn’t want to work for me. Your mileage may vary.
And for more in-depth and nonstop coverage of this sort of thing, I remind you to visit Doc Atomic’s Attic of Astounding Artifacts.
I found the Life gallery via i09, to whom my robotic minions and I offer our humble thanks.
[tags]vintage space toys, package art, robot, raygun, ray gun, rocket, retro, collectible[/tags]