It’s time for another mathematically perplexing T-Shirt sale at the Retropolis Transit Authority, Saga Shirts, and Hot Wax Tees. (This includes the brand new and remarkable Clockwork Book T-shirts).
Here’s how it works: when you place any order – that’s right, no minimums – the web site does a complex and bizarre computation based on the item you’re ordering and some stuff that’s way too confusing to try to explain. Then it takes a percentage off your order.
For dark colored T-shirts, it works out to 36%. For light colored T-shirts, it works out to about 29.4%. Or so my experiments told me… when they were still able to speak.
All you need to do to get that discount is to enter the coupon code FEBLUV11 in the shopping cart.
It’s all over at midnight (Mountain Time) today, February 5th. Not to pressure you or anything. But, you know, get clicking, would you?