Just because I like them, here are two retro robot sculptures by Toby Fraley from Uncommon Goods. Each one’s a large illuminated piece that would look swell on your world domination console, provided you’ve dominated enough of the world to afford them. That was envy, just then, is what that was.
This fellow on the right stands 48" tall; the Slim Pickens version above is just 28" tall, but equally wide, due to that cool rocket it’s riding. They’re built from aluminum, steel, and wood, and – as you can probably guess – many of their parts are recycled vintage mechanical whaddayacallums.
Fraley’s exhibited widely, including a show at the Smithsonian, and he must be haunting the estate auctions and second hand stores of Pennsylvania even as we speak.
You know, this guy on the right would make a pretty nifty desk lamp here in the Secret Laboratory. I’d kind of enjoy that thrill of knowing an armed recycled vacuum cleaner was watching my every move.
[tags]retro, robot, sculpture, artwork, vintage, found objects, recycled, toby fraley, you know you want it[/tags]