Well, in response to a reader request I’ve just added a page update notification for Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual. It seems to be working just fine, but I’m interested in seeing how everything behaves in a real-life test. We’ll see that on Thursday morning when the next page goes live.
The page update notifications will be available through an RSS feed here, in my Webomator blog. The RSS link will go on the Thrilling Tales front page. I’m not sure I want those updates to actually appear here in the blog, though: that might be annoying for my readers or for folks on Facebook, since these blog posts get echoed over there. I guess I’ll see how it all works and then deal with where it all works.
Not sure if you’re adverse to Facebook and Twitter, but I’m confident you can pick-up quite a following, given how brilliant you’re work is. (Hey, you know I’m a fan!)
Facebook and Twitter would work great in tandem with your blog, to get the word out about Thrilling Tales updates, product discount codes / sales, etc.
Hi, Digger! Well, like I said in this post everything that shows up here in the blog gets cross-posted to my Facebook page. I guess it’d be smart to make a Thrilling Tales page at Facebook, too, but I haven’t gotten around to that. Twitter, though, I’ve never used at all.
Whoops! I’ll blame it on fatigue; when I initially read your post, I didn’t see the Facebook mention…apologies!
Well, I did just add you as a friend, but actually recommend starting a dedicated Retropolis / Thrilling Tales Facebook PAGE (vs. your individual profile) for fans…