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A Continuing History of Pulp Science Fiction Art at io9

Filed under Found on the Web

Amazing Stories Pulp magazine cover

Over at io9 Natalie Baaklini continues her series of articles about the science fiction pulp magazines and their art, this time covering the years of 1930-1949 before spilling over to the paperbacks of the 1950s. (Part One, if you missed it, is here.)

There’s a great collection of cover images (with credits, happily) and even a link to the web site of one of the still-practicing artists. Expect some analysis, though nothing too artsy, as an old friend of mine might say ("But some of my best friends are artsy people!") and anyhow an aesthetic and philosophical analysis of women being lowered into giant test tubes has got to beat most kinds of analysis you can find.

I tried to Google the author for some background but the only thing I discovered is that there are a bunch of Natalie Baaklinis, which surprised me just as much as finding out how many people share my own unlikely name. So whichever Natalie you are, keep it up. Nice stuff.


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