I’m very happy to say that as of today, The Lair of the Clockwork Book is available in soft cover; that’s eight by ten inches and 134 pages of full color illustrations, collecting the entire Clockwork Book serial from the Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual web site.
For those of you who are keeping track… the story won’t wrap up on the web site until April 23rd. So, you know, you can definitely be the first one on your block to find out how the story ends.
Actually, you’re probably the first person on your block to know that the story exists. But it’s always wise to hedge your bets. Those neighbors of yours are pretty crafty.
For the moment you’ll find the book only at the Thrilling Tales web site; it takes Amazon a little while to pick up a new release. Between you, me and the fencepost I’d much rather you bought it through my web site anyhow. Amazon takes a sizable chunk out of sales over there.
Next up: the hardcover edition! With the page layouts all finalized I can concentrate on that one at last.
Oh, and there were big developments this morning for the Thrilling Tales "Intermission" feature that’s starting on April 26th. They were all technical changes and invisible to anyone but me – except for about one minute when I broke everything – so it’s the kind of thing that I guess only I can get excited about. Still, very neat: I like discovering that I can train the site to do things I never anticipated when I originally built it.
UPDATE: Oh, heck, I completely forgot to mention that although the list price for The Lair of the Clockwork Book is $19.55 you can get it for $17.55 by using this coupon code when you place your order: HVNHQN7Q . You won’t get that deal at Amazon, boyo.
Great news Bradley. No signed copies for this one?
Oh, and I tried the discount code and it’s being rejected. Apparently, even you haven’t been trusted with that information!
Yikes, they must have just changed that; I tested it when I put the books up there. It’s fixed now.
Before the same code automagically worked for either one of the books. Now, I have to hit it over the head with a baseball bat, and then it works.
No, no signed books for now. In a little while I’ll have a handful of overruns from the limited edition hardcover. But I probably won’t have any of the paperbacks on hand here until Part Two of TWO BRAINS is available, in, oh, about mumblemumblemumblemumble.
Thanks Bradley. Ordered without a hitch.