Some rockets leap up majestically and plunge through the clouds to tear their way free of the Earth’s gravity and out, up and away toward the stars, where they roam in search of their destinies. Some rockets… well, they don’t.
Some other rockets shoot off the launch pad in the traditional, approved manner only to find themselves arcing back toward the planet in a way that, frankly, isn’t reassuring; and then these rockets improvise. This is one of those rockets.
As promised, I’ve put a page up at the Thrilling Tales site where backers (or anyone else) can still get a very small number of these limited edition prints, along with the paperback and hardcover books that made up some of the rewards for the project. I’ll leave that page up until I’ve finished proofing the prints. (I’m just getting ready to go to Round Two on proofing.)
While the page is live anybody at all can (and should!) place a pre-order. But I’ll close out the edition once I’m ready to order the complete run of the Voyage of the Hypatia – which is what the picture’s really called.
Here’s the order page for the prints. Orders can be placed with PayPal only.