Just about everyone must have seen the incredible steampunk keyboards custom built by Datamancer – but this one was new to me. I guess he’s been busy.
And it’s pretty much right up my street, so if anyone’s got about $1500 or so lying around, well, Christmas is coming, right?
This art deco computer keyboard was a custom project for the counter at Cinema 16:9 in Lansdowne, Pennsylvania. It’s made of wood and chrome with bright white LEDs and reworked vintage typewriter keys. I’d sure love to spend my days hovering over one like it.
Some of his other recent work is a series of ‘Aviator‘ keyboards, which are sort of halfway between the Deco keyboard and his earlier steampunkery: the Aviator’s a Dieselpunk model. Among the notes and sketches at the Datamancer site are some other Art Deco bits in progress. I guess I’ll be checking back more often now!
That is the coolest keyboard ever! I’m green with envy! I’m familiar with Datamancer’s work – great stuff! One thing, though – did/does he use actual typewriter keys? As a typewriter aficionado I hate it when perfectly salvagable machines are ruined just for their keys (if the typerwriter’s beyond saving then fair enough). Nevertheless, fantastic creations!
I’ve given you a little blog award, by the way – congratulations and keep up the good work!
Now THAT is a cool keyboard!!!! I would absolutely LOVE a keyboard like that!!!!!
Hello, I just randomly stumbled across this post through my google alerts. Thanks! I’m glad you like the Deco keyboard. You may be interested to see the latest deco keyboard I just made, The New Yorker.
Hey, nice to see you drop by! I do like that new one too – but for my imaginary money I’d still pick one of these :).