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Now in the works: Pulp-O-Mizer shirts and hoodies

Filed under Works in Progress

Possibly Coming soon: Pulp-O-Mizer t-shirts and hoodies

I’ve been experimenting with the process for offering T-shirts and hoodies through the Pulp-O-Mizer. At the moment, I’m cautiously optimistic.

Supporting T-Shirts requires some more muscle from the server. I’m not sure yet whether that will amount to too much muscle, especially under the heavy load that the Pulp-O-Mizer sometimes attracts.

It’s a sturdy contraption, but it does need to co-exist with other contraptions on the same shared server. So we’ll just have to see.

Yesterday’s work went faster than I expected – which is as nice as it is unusual – and the next step at least doesn’t require me to be any smarter than I have been up to now. The final, or penultimate, or semi penultimate step, though, will take smartness on a grander scale.

And then, with my smartness expended, I’ll have to see how many resources the whole process requires from the server and reduce that load, if I can.

It’s a thrilling adventure!

It’s so thrilling, in fact, that I keep meaning to chronicle all the highlights of the past few weeks. But I’ve been too busy! At first I was patching up all those parts of the Pulp-O-Mizer that weren’t quite ready for the public when the public, suddenly, poured in; then I had to catch up on some other work; then I added a few new image layers; and now I’m working on The Question Of Shirts. So the True Life Story of the Astounding Adventures of the Pulp-O-Mizer may have to wait so long that I won’t remember what it was any more by the time I sit down to type it up.

All in all, that’s not a bad problem to have.


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