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WorldCon 71 Announces a Pulp-O-Mizer Cover Competition

Filed under Works in Progress

LoneStarCon3's Pulp-O-Mizer Competition for WorldCon 71

It pleases me no end to say that LoneStarCon3, the host of the seventy-first World Science Fiction Convention, has decided to conspire with me in a Pulp-O-Mizer cover competition. Anybody who has registered for the 2013 Worldcon in San Antonio, Texas can enter.

There’s a special "WorldCon #71" title image that only the contestants can use, and which they must use in order for their entry to be considered. Entrants can unlock the super secret WorldCon title by following the instructions on the competition’s page.

Entries are being accepted through May 31st. So if you’ve registered for WorldCon… go forth and Pulp-O-Mize! And if not, why not?


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