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Retropolis Rocket Ship Kickstarter Update, April 11

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

Retropolis Rocket Ship WIP

So today I’m about a week in, all told, to the Retropolis Rocket Ship Kickstarter project. I’m still toning down the colors because at this stage the colors don’t really mean anything. They’d only confuse you.

I mentioned earlier that I started by working on one of the characters. But that’s out of my system now, and so I’ve returned to the rocket ship itself. Backers of my past Kickstarter projects got a little preview yesterday but today I’ve made a bunch of new progress on the interior. It’s got loads of distance to travel yet but the gizmos and bulkheads and what-have-you’s are starting to show up, each in their proper place.

You can see that I’ve blocked in the characters using just the kind of bone systems that you normally wouldn’t see. The skeletons render very quickly and that’s important at the moment, especially in the viewports while I work. You can scroll down to my earlier update to get a look at what one of these ladies is going to look like.

So: still quite crude, but moving along. And "quite crude" is what I promised you’d see while the work progresses. So there you are.

I’m archiving the versions of the file, one or more a day, and producing many of the screenshots and test renderings that I’ll use in the "Making Of" video. I could probably spend a minute or so just on that floor grating!


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