So for the past few weeks I’ve been working on a couple of storefronts at Zazzle, and right about now the shop designs have settled in and the first lines of products are ready for prime time. Ars Celtica is a Celtic Art themed store; some of my favorite new products there are the customizable business cards (what a great idea!) and I had a great time working up the first designs for those.
They let me offer some really nice coffee mugs. Another thing I worked up is a series of Celtic border magnets – they’re square sections of knotwork patterns that you can put together into borders. Neat!
The postcards are also pretty spiffy. I treated them like the kind of fine art postcards you might pick up at a museum. For the moment – unfortunately! – I haven’t made available high resolution posters and prints. I’d sure like to, but the system that handles large prints over there just doesn’t offer the control over print sizes that I need.
Otherwise, though, I’m really happy with what I’ve got going over there and I’ve enjoyed customizing the shops. Fun times!