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Topic Archive: Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual
Thrilling Tales – even more books of the Clockwork Book

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

The Lair of the Clockwork Book, in hardcover

In a post at the Edtion One blog – that’s where they’re printing and binding the Kickstarter edition of The Lair of the Clockwork Book – the gifted elves at Edition One are showing off the books in what they call a "very meta post", since what they’ve got there is post about a book about a book.

But I can’t let that stand, I tell you! I will now out-meta them by posting a post about a post about a book about a book! Muahahahahaha! Mua! and Ha! and Ha! I say! And Ha!

The Lair of the Dust Jacket of the Clockwork Book

Of course my excuse for that outburst is that if they were taking photos and posting them last Friday, when the first 110 books were stacked up around my house, then the rest of the print run is likely to get here pretty soon. I’ve got to stamp thirty more books before I’ve got through that first batch. Still, I say, bring ’em on, and, also, Ha!

[tags]thrilling tales of the downright unusual, the lair of the clockwork book, hardcover, kickstarter, book, insane outburst with a cackle chaser[/tags]

Thrilling Tales – the Kickstarter Books are landing!

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

kickstarter limited edition books

So here at the Secret Laboratory I have been invaded by books, which is one of my favorite kinds of invasions. What makes this invasion special is that the more-than-100 books you see – crowding me out of my ground floor – are all copies of The Lair of the Clockwork Book. That’s because the Kickstarter books have begun to land!

This is about 2/3 of the whole batch. My UPS driver thought it was all over… but he was so completely and tragically wrong. Well, wrong, anyway, because there will be another four or five boxes on the way soon.

You can see how I’ve spread many of the books with their vulnerable underbellies exposed: that’s so I can stamp them with my nifty custom "Limited Edition" stamp, prior to signing and numbering them. Right after I practice some more – like a mad stamping fiend – all over my proof sheets.

kickstarter limited edition books

I know… this is as bad as somebody showing you pictures of their grandchildren or their cats, and it’s not over yet, either, boyo.

It takes awhile for the ink to dry after I apply the stamp and I’m so paranoid about having that ink offset on the facing page that I’ll leave each batch to dry for a good long while. That means my house is going to keep looking like this, but I can’t say I mind. Books, books everywhere!

kickstarter limited edition books

[tags]thrilling tales of the downright unusual, the lair of the clockwork book, limited edition, hardcover book, kickstarter[/tags]

Thrilling Tales – Back on the schedule and out on the porch

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

Zeno, the mad doctor's assistant

So this week marks my return to the new, improved Thrilling Tales schedule. My schedule, I mean: not yours.

This follows my frantic scrambling to set up the current Intermission for the Thrilling Tales site, which in its turn was followed by a couple of weeks of much needed website work, new merchandise design, and, um, house cleaning. Yeah, even in the Secret Laboratory, I’ve got dust. And then data backup and some other important things that have been delayed.

But this week! This week, I’ve returned to Part Two of The Toaster With TWO BRAINS in the mornings, while in the afternoons I’m working on a new serial for the site. Which involves writing (quite a lot of it) which is something I can now do on the porch when I feel like it. Which I do.

The TWO BRAINS work has kicked off in an unexpected way. Back in the Summer or Fall I applied my new character system to Gwen, who’s an important character in Part Two; last weekend I did something very similar with Nat Gonella. But when I paged through the illustrations I’ve completed for that story, I decided that I didn’t like everything I’d done with Zeno.

With a few of his scenes remaining to go I decided to redo some of the finished illustrations where Zeno already appears. So I spent a couple of days working on a new head for him which, as we see above, is nicely expressive. I’ve now redone one of his illustrations and I should be able to work through about three others before I get down to something entirely new.

There are some serious questions about how ready the new serial will be when the Intermission concludes. This is a longer form story and it’ll be an unusual amount of work, not to mention the possibility that I’ll need to make many revisions as I go along. I’ve always been reluctant to start publishing one of these stories before the manuscript is really done. Dickens did it, but, you know, he was Dickens. So I may be as surprised as anyone else to see how things work out by Summer’s end.

For now, though, it’s nice to be back!

[tags]thrilling tales of the downright unusual, the toaster with TWO BRAINS, it’s nice to sit on the porch[/tags]

Don’t touch that dial! The Clockwork Book concludes today; Intermission begins on Thursday

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual!

Today marks the end of The Lair of the Clockwork Book at Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual. It’s been a long ride and I hope it was worth the price of admission, which is a pretty safe bet seeing as how it was free. Unless you’ve bought the book, of course, which makes you My Hero.

Speaking of the book, the Kickstarter hardcover edition is chugging along. I have to finish reviewing the (beautiful!) proof today and I haven’t heard anything new about the die for the cover stamp, but we’re making progress. The full color paperback edition is already available.

I’ve completed my short list of changes for the Thrilling Tales site: it’s all ready now for its Intermission. That will start up on Thursday and it’ll run through the summer while I try to get ahead of you, both on Part Two of The Toaster With TWO BRAINS and on the next Real Serial..

I’ve got a lot of preparation done for that next serial. (I even have a working title now!) I’m setting this project up with Celtx. I was a little nervous about its proprietary format, given the limited number of ways you can export a project, but eventually I realized that whether it’s for the web or the print version I always just copy and paste anyhow. I do like its systems for adding notes and creating character descriptions, including images, and the index card system and Plot View look like they’re going to be pretty useful for me.


I’ve picked up a refurbished Thinkpad so that I can realize my years-long ambition of writing out on the porch during fine weather… which we suddenly don’t have. The laptop remained a good deal even after I replaced a couple of missing things, but between you and me and the entire Internet it was still quite an extravagance. For me, I mean.

So I hope you’ve enjoyed The Lair of the Clockwork Book, and that you’ll think about buying it in print; and I hope you’ll also get a kick out of the upcoming Intermission. In the meantime I’ll be busy working on the things you’ll see after that summer-long feature concludes.

For my part I’m looking forward to a somewhat more relaxed schedule. I should be able to get all caught up on TWO BRAINS and still have plenty of serial pages for you to enjoy, and maybe even get another thing or two done along the way. That, anyway, is The Plan.

Thrilling Tales – The Lair of the Clockwork Book is now available in paperback

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

Now available in paperback - The Lair of the Clockwork Book

I’m very happy to say that as of today, The Lair of the Clockwork Book is available in soft cover; that’s eight by ten inches and 134 pages of full color illustrations, collecting the entire Clockwork Book serial from the Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual web site.

For those of you who are keeping track… the story won’t wrap up on the web site until April 23rd. So, you know, you can definitely be the first one on your block to find out how the story ends.

Actually, you’re probably the first person on your block to know that the story exists. But it’s always wise to hedge your bets. Those neighbors of yours are pretty crafty.

For the moment you’ll find the book only at the Thrilling Tales web site; it takes Amazon a little while to pick up a new release. Between you, me and the fencepost I’d much rather you bought it through my web site anyhow. Amazon takes a sizable chunk out of sales over there.

Next up: the hardcover edition! With the page layouts all finalized I can concentrate on that one at last.

Oh, and there were big developments this morning for the Thrilling Tales "Intermission" feature that’s starting on April 26th. They were all technical changes and invisible to anyone but me – except for about one minute when I broke everything – so it’s the kind of thing that I guess only I can get excited about. Still, very neat: I like discovering that I can train the site to do things I never anticipated when I originally built it.

UPDATE: Oh, heck, I completely forgot to mention that although the list price for The Lair of the Clockwork Book is $19.55 you can get it for $17.55 by using this coupon code when you place your order: HVNHQN7Q . You won’t get that deal at Amazon, boyo.

Thrilling Tales – progress on The Next Thing, and also on book proofing

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual

I’ve got so many irons in the fire – mainly, wrapping up the book designs for the two editions of The Lair of the Clockwork Book and preparing for the next features at Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual – that this morning I finally filled up a page in my notebook with lists of tasks. I will say that after a year and a half I do enjoy having a bit less structure to my days: but it turns out that a little bit of structure is sort of necessary.

This picture is a very happy surprise. It’s a rough layout for the next real serial for the Thrilling Tales (not counting a sixteen week "Intermission" feature) and the happy part is that it works.

That next Real Serial is going to be a little different in several ways. Its updates will be longer, but will appear only half as often; the illustrations will be in black and white – or, as we see here, at least in monotone; the illustrations themselves will be more tightly coupled to the print version of the story, with two-page spreads and wrapping text; and to support that I’ll have to add additional HTML markup to the story pages. The sample picture I dropped into this layout is one of the illustrations I did last year for Starship Sofa Stories, Vol 3: those illustrations, with their old sf pulp flavor, were the whole seed that grew into this New Plan. It turns out that I’ve always wanted to be Virgil Finlay. Virgil Finlay illustration

I mean, who wouldn’t?

Now the two page spread at the beginning of this post has been compressed down to the usual Thrilling Tales size and the text has wrapped around the image – though not as neatly as we’ll see in the real story. I was convinced that this would not work – that there just wouldn’t be enough space to show both the illustration and its text to their best advantage. I’ve been figuring that I’d need to create a mutant page layout to support the new format. Hence my surprise: it looks like the existing page layout can support these changes just fine. It won’t be as nifty as the print version but it will be a pretty decent conversion.

Now… I’m not sure yet how I’ll handle enlarging the image for the pop-up windows; it’ll be a bit odd if that wrapping text disappears. But the first experiment, anyway, is a success.

Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual

In other news I’m now waiting for my second proof of the paperback edition of The Lair of the Clockwork Book. I made substantial changes after I saw the first proof – much more substantial than I had expected to make. The dust has all settled now, though, and I expect that I’ll like what I see when the new version arrives.

Once that fundamental design is set I can start the proofing process for the hardcover edition. I’ve seen paper and linen samples for that now. The interior paper is really, really nice but because it’s a brighter white I may have to make adjustments to the illustrations once I’ve seen the hardcover proof. All in all, though, it seems to be moving along on schedule.

The paperback edition may be available late next week. It all depends on that second proof.

Oh, and then there’s this guy above. The only thing I’m going to say about him is that you should keep an eye on your kittens. ‘Cause you just ought to know.

[tags]thrilling tales of the downright unusual, the lair of the clockwork book, page layouts, experiments, serial fiction, illustrated[/tags]

Thrilling Tales – Much Ado About Something, or Some Ado About Some Things

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

New People of the Retro Future

It’s been a sort of potluck, catch as catch can week here in the Secret Laboratory. I’ve got several irons in the fire for the print editions of The Lair of the Clockwork Book while – around the edges and in between – I’ve been working on the character designs for people who will be Very Important in the next serial story at Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual.

Having these folks staring at me (or, anyway, staring off to my right) is pretty helpful as I soak in just who they are and what that means. This can all percolate and get where it’s going while I work on other things, as I need to do.

Clockwork Book Limited Edition Stamp

I’ve received my custom stamp for the limited edition copies of The Lair of the Clockwork Book and it’s just what I wanted. I can see, though, that I’ll need to practice my stamping before I turn myself loose on those handsome (and expensive) books.

I’m waiting for two other significant deliveries: the first proof copy of the paperback version of the book and a set of linen samples from the bookbinder of the hardcover edition. I’ve done a first pass at the cover stamp design for the hardcover edition, too. I’m quite happy with it but I know that there will be some technical limits on the level of detail I can have… while I don’t have clear guidelines for what those limits are. So I can expect some revisions to that design when we get to it.

I’ve been exploring endpaper ideas, too. Printed endpapers weren’t part of the preliminary quote that I used as the basis of the Kickstarter drive, but I’d really like to add them to the hardcover edition. We’ll just have to see.

I’ve even explored the possibilities for my Thrilling Tales Intermission, which is what I’m calling an interim "story" for the Thrilling Tales site. That’ll bridge the gap between the end of The Lair of the Clockwork Book and the beginning of The Next Thing – which will take a little while longer than I’d like, partly because I’m also going back to work on Part Two of The Toaster With TWO BRAINS. That one’s just got to get done, no matter what else I’m doing.

The Toaster With TWO BRAINS, Part Two

So there you have it. There’s quite a bit going on over here, unlike the front page of this blog – which is starting to get cluttered with more and more Thrilling Tales page updates. I really need to drop the occasional post in between those updates but as you can see, I’m juggling a lot of knives at the moment.

Thrilling Tales – I’ve finished the final illustration for the Lair of the Clockwork Book

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

the beginning of the end

You won’t see it until April 23, but yesterday I finished the last illustration for The Lair of the Clockwork Book. It’s been such a very, very long haul – exactly fourteen months after I finished the first illustration, and that doesn’t account for the months of pre-production and writing that went before.

It was a little earlier that this really hit me; about three illustrations back, I think, when I started to realize that I was beginning a long goodbye to the Book. There’s a strange combination of relief and dismay.

Of course there’s actually a lot left to do. I’m now taking the rough book layout and making it significantly less rough, with typographical changes, page ornaments, and so on. I need to finish the paperback cover and then the cover and dust jacket designs for the hardcover edition (thanks, Kickstarter!). Even when I think that’s all done, I’ll have to proof the pages and fix everything that wasn’t really finished. And finally, with all the cover issues settled, I’ll produce the actual books.

But yesterday was still a big day!

goggles, boots, snappy cap, check!
In the meantime although I’m certain that the next serial at Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual is going to be different, I’m still not quite sure what that means. It will probably update just once a week; it will probably be illustrated in black and white, rather than in color; it will be longer, and the presentation of the pages will need to be a little different.

I’m not even positive that the guy on the left here is going to be Our Hero, but I think he’s more like the character than the last version was.

But before I can really wrestle with those ideas I have to make much better progress on Part Two of The Toaster With TWO BRAINS.

In my original plan that would have been nearly done today; my original plan went cartwheeling into the Sun quite some time ago.

Just to make things even more interesting, which is what you always want, I’ve been watching the traffic at Thrilling Tales: the site’s returning visitors have just about doubled since the Kickstarter drive for The Lair of the Clockwork Book. I know that if I hunker down and work on TWO BRAINS for a few months those folks are going to get tired of coming back to see nothing new.

So I’m also wondering what sort of Intermission I can run on the site that can update weekly without killing my TWO BRAINS schedule. Again. While I also lay the foundation for the next thing.

Fortunately, there’s always coffee.

[tags]thrilling tales of the downright unusual, the lair of the clockwork book, serial, book, the toaster with TWO BRAINS[/tags]

Thrilling Tales – Final Day for the Limited Edition of The Lair of the Clockwork Book

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

Limited Edition Hardcover; for spacepersons and sundry Today’s the last day you can pre-order a signed and numbered, limited edition hardcover copy of The Lair of the Clockwork Book through my fund raising drive at Kickstarter. Don’t be the last one on your block!

The number of copies in the limited edition depends on the number of backers who pre-order the book at the Kickstarter site. So until 7PM Eastern Time you have the ability to devalue them by pre-ordering a hundred or two! Think of the consequences to the world’s literary standards!

I know I have.

If you do miss out, you might be consoled by the knowledge that there will also be a paperback edition available from Amazon and from the Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual web site – soon, or soonish, probably in early April. In addition, any overruns from the limited edition’s printing will become a small open hardcover edition, available only from the Thrilling Tales site.

[tags]thrilling tales of the downright unusual, the lair of the clockwork book, kickstarter, limited edition, hardcover[/tags]

Thrilling Tales – The Clockwork Book meets its funding goal!

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

Yesterday was another eventful day for The Lair of the Clockwork Book‘s Kickstarter fund drive. I posted a new update there, in which I did a much better job of explaining why this project is structured a bit differently from most Kickstarter projects, and then at around 10:30 PM EST the project achieved its goal. This was a bit surprising. I had an idea that it would get fully funded sometime today, but things accelerated during the evening.

It’s still not over, though! I’ve got another 31 hours to attract some more of the Internet’s fleeting interest and find good homes for a few more of these handsome books.

As I was gathering my thoughts for that update I found some interesting comparisons between this, which is effectively a book pre-order, and my last Kickstarter project, which looked far more normal but had its own dark secret. This might be interesting to nobody but me. Still, once the dust has settled I may write those thoughts down for the blog.

Anyway I continue to drive traffic to Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual and to the Kickstarter page in these final hours, while I’m still occupied with the final illustrations for the book. I discovered a couple of days ago that I’d never assigned a number to one of these last chunks of story, and that means I need one more picture than I’d realized.

[tags]thrilling tales of the downright unusual, the lair of the clockwork book, kickstarter, fund raising drive, limited edition[/tags]

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