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Topic Archive: Works in Progress
A Clockwork Eye from the Secret Laboratory

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

Clockwork iris animation

Click the image to see it animate!

I’ve been working on this mechanism – well, it’s a 3D model, so it’s not a real mechanism – for the past few days. In ways that are known only to my Kickstarter backers, this is a part of the next stage at my Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual web site.

It’s unusually steampunkish for me but that makes sense because this object is just the eye of a mechanical character who’s much older than anything else in Retropolis. A character who was built in the earliest days of the Mad Science we know and love. I added an eyebrow as a backplate for the band drive – and after much agony I figured out how to set the objects up in 3DS Max so that the whole thing animates when you turn its drive wheel.

The iris mechanism here is based on a real, working design that was featured at Boing Boing a few days back. The original forum thread (with many revisions!) is here. My version is based on one of the earliest of them – I wanted to start with something simple before I got all baroque about it. Which I felt was likely.

Anyway what this means is that I’m working maniacally on some new stuff for the Thrilling Tales site. And now… to that I shall return.

Kickstarter Names My Thrilling Tales Fundraiser Their “Project of the Day”!

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

Fundraiser for Thrilling Tales of the Downright UnusualHey, what a great surprise!

As I prowled through the Thrilling Tales stats this morning I found that Kickstarter has named my fundraiser their Project of the Day!

That’s wonderful news for all sorts of reasons. The Thrilling Tales fundraiser has gotten off to a good start in its first nine days – we’ve got nearly 20% of the target amount pledged and plenty of time, at that rate, to meet the goal.

Of course I’m a worrier, so I’m thinking grimly ahead. As far as I know, this week saw the last of the big site links to the Thrilling Tales site and so I expect my traffic there to taper off over the next couple of weeks. Naturally I don’t know about every incoming link, so something big could still be on the horizon. But, like I said, I’m a worrier and so I figure that the huge boost in traffic I’ve seen at the site has already peaked. That’ll make it harder in the coming weeks to get more excited eyeballs looking at the Thrilling Tales, buying books, and pledging to the Kickstarter drive.

But the news has been pretty good to date. The site’s had over 60,000 pageviews, for example, and the trailer has been viewed over 4,500 times (!).

That hasn’t converted to a lot of sales or support since these are mainly casual browsers looking at the Title-O-Tron, or even reading the first story… but then moving on. Most of my brain expected that – the whole idea behind a project like this is to offer free content as a way to draw in lots of visitors, and people who are happy to find things for free don’t necessarily become people who want to support those things. Like I said, most of my brain expected that. It’s currently explaining the facts of life to the rest of my brain, which was more optimistic. It’s a goofy, romantic thing.

So anyway it’s great to be featured by Kickstarter – the fundraiser is going to make a big difference to the next phase at Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual… so long as we reach the goal. I’d cross my fingers but I’ve found from experience that’d make it really hard for me to type this.

John Scalzi Threatens the World With My Title-O-Tron

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

Pulp ci Fi Title GeneratorSo as I write this, Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual has seen almost 39,000 page views since its launch, just over two weeks ago.

I’ll take all the credit I can for that but the ball didn’t really start rolling until the site was mentioned at Dark Roasted Blend and Mental Floss. Nice!

As you might expect the Pulp Sci Fi Title-O-Tron is the most popular link and the most popular page, too. It’s been fun to watch the incoming links appear and to see where they’re coming from – often from conversations on forums.

I hate to pick favorites, but I will: there’s a fun conversation going on at Metafilter where people are posting random titles they like… to the point where they’re mapping out an actual series based on the titles. They seem to like a "Midshipman" trilogy that ends tragically with Lament for the Celestial Midshipman. But hey, folks, it doesn’t really need to end there: because with more titles like Gods of the Lieutenant of Phobos and Avenged by the Captain of Twilight there’s a clear path for promotion.

But this is why the Metafilter page stands out for me: John Scalzi chimed in with this:

I’m going to take one of these titles and write a science fiction story out of it.


You’ll see. You’ll ALL see.

posted by jscalzi at 6:56 AM on May 9

But which would it be? The Dancing Professor of the Worlds? Pursued by the Quivering Accountant? The Night of the Tentacle of Terror? or… The Song of the Accordion of Doom?

Support the Thrilling Tales!

In other news, I’m happy to say that there’s been some response to my Kickstarter fundraiser for the Thrilling Tales. It may look like a small percentage so far… but at the rate we’re going we can certainly meet the goal. If, you know, we do keep going at that rate. So remember: Long arms and shallow pockets beat short arms and deep pockets!

Fundraising at Kickstarter for “Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual” – My Very Own Pledge Drive

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress


The Thrilling Tales project is a lot like a web comic – the content’s available for free on the web or for purchase as printed books. The biggest difference is that because the stories aren’t linear I can’t post updates a couple of times a week. And going by Trapped in the Tower of the Brain Thieves, those updates will be months apart.

For that reason I’m planning to add linear illustrated stories with updates once or twice a week. Although that will delay the big updates even more, it’s about the only way the site can build up its readership.

Of course… that means that the next Toaster With Two Brains update will be even later than it would have been otherwise. And on the practical side I’ve been supporting my many months of work on the Thrilling Tales with nothing but the sales from my web sites. Out of the nine months beginning in July 2009 there was just one month when I worked on anything else.

So here I am, gearing up for the next illustrated story – which now is two stories, one interactive, and one linear – while the web site is still percolating across the web and trying to draw an audience. This is where a corporate startup would look for what’s called "bridge financing" – investment to tide the company over until it grows into its market and can walk on its own tentacles. I’m not a corporate startup, of course, and so I’m rolling out a fundraiser at kickstarter.com.


New deals on my Archival Prints, and a shipping special for them

Filed under Works in Progress

Lower prices on archival prints

The prices on all my archival prints have just been reduced and a lower flat rate shipping special is on for the next 90 days.

DeviantArt (which prints these for me) has just done a soup-to-nuts reorganization on their prints program. That means that you and I each get a better deal! The price reductions vary by print size but they’re usually 20% to 33% lower. So for example one of the big 20 x 30" prints that used to be priced at about $70 is now $48 … while the smaller ones like my new Trapped in the Tower of the Brain Thieves prints have dropped from around $61 to $40. Nice!

And for the next 90 days there’s a cap on shipping no matter how many prints you order. If you’re in the USA you won’t pay more than $5 for shipping on an order of prints… and if you’re elsewhere you won’t pay more than $10. Also nice!

This applies to my Retropolis archival art prints and also to my Celtic Art archival art prints.

Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual: It’s Live!

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

Illustrated retro future adventuresItem 1: In which I make an announcement

After nine months of work, the Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual web site has opened its doors to the public. By which I mean you.

The first story is Trapped in the Tower of the Brain Thieves – that’s Part One of The Toaster With TWO BRAINS.

If you’ve been following my blog you’ll already know that the Thrilling Tales project includes the web site, where you can view the illustrated and interactive stories for free, and also the full color book versions of the same stories. Which may be easier to read on the porch, or in the tub, or wherever else you might like to read them.

The books, like the web versions, are interactive. You can choose which character you’d like to follow and influence what that character will do in the course of the tale.

Back at the web site, you can view embiggified version of the illustrations. You can bring up an inventory panel with close-ups and information about the objects you encounter in the story. You can also save and restore your place within the story. It’s a pretty neat system, and I’m glad I made it.

You can see the trailer for The Toaster With TWO BRAINS by clicking here, and then I hope you’ll visit the Thrilling Tales web site. Don’t miss the other areas of the site… most especially the Pulp Sci Fi Title-O-Tron in the Derange-O-Lab. In the downloads section there’s even a smaller version of the Title-O-Tron you can use at your own blog or web site.

Item 2: In Which I Ramble On

Don’t mind me. I’m going to keep rambling here, but there’s no reason you have to stick around. I hear there’s drinks in the lobby!

The only thing missing that I’d meant to include in the launch is a way to buy a signed book directly from me – my big box o’ books still hasn’t arrived. That type of ordering should go live next week.

And there will eventually be another type of story at the site: illustrated but non-interactive stories. That’s because the Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual site is almost exactly like a web comicThrilling Tales T-Shirts site… except that it’s going to go for months between updates.

Due to the nonlinear nature of the stories I can’t just post the "next" page, because that one may not be the "next" page for you. So in order to get regular updates at the site I’ll need to create some linear stories, too. With updates once or twice a week the Thrilling Tales site will have a better chance to build its readership. Anyway… that’s for the future.

I’m still working on related merchandise: Thrilling Tales T-shirts are available but posters are still in the works. Those should go up over the weekend, I think.

So… it’s been a really long haul for me. I hope you enjoy it!

Update: hey, my box o’ books arrived this afternoon, after all! So the “buy from me” link works now, too.

[tags]thrilling tales of the downright unusual,retropolis,retro future,interactive fiction,art,illustration,pilp,science fiction,sci fi,retro,dieselpunk,retro futuristic,stories,book trailer[/tags] Interactive Fiction from the Retro Future

The Revenge of the Bride of the Son of Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual: a Help pageYes, it’s been very quiet at the Web-O-Blog, for reasons that should be obvious to those who’ve been reading it: I’m down to a very short list of things to do at the new Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual web site and I think that it’s shaping up awfully well.

At left is one of the images from the site’s Help page, where we see call-outs for:

A. The illustration. When you click on it, a larger version pops up in a draggable window (see the second picture);
B. The save/restore panel where you use bookmarks within the stories;
C. The character portrait for whichever character you’re currently following;
D. The menu of options for what you’d like to do next in the story;
E. The Inventory panel, where you can click on an object to learn more about it in another pop-up window. Those are draggable, reloadable, and can be layered with the illustration pop-up in a bevy of ways that are really cool for me, but probably less entertaining for anybody else.

As it stands, I’ve probably only got a couple of more days worth of work on the site itself. But it gets a little more complicated since I’m expecting the second – and probably final – proof of the book version, and it’s only when I approve that proof that the book can go on sale. So I won’t be able to hook up the purchasing links until that happens. The trailer has a similar dependency – I’ll need to re-export it and upload it to YouTube A big illustration pop-up(and maybe elsewhere) and I can’t embed it or link to it until that’s done.

I also need to order some of the books myself, since one way I’m selling them is directly from me.

So there are a couple of possible bottlenecks and a few dependencies yet to resolve. Unless something unexpected happens I figure that the Thrilling Tales site should launch around April 23rd – and very possibly sooner.

Oh. And the IRS. I haven’t quite got around to my tax forms yet.

Anyway there’s as much stuff as I could shove into the site – desktop wallpapers, screensavers, a version of the random Title-O-Tron that you can install at your blog or web site, and… um, I forget what else. It’s neat, trust me.

And someday soon it’ll even be finished!

Update: the Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual web site is now alive (alive, I tell you!) at thrilling-tales.webomator.com

Trapped in the Tower of the Brain Thieves: almost a book!

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

The Art on the Book of the Web Site of Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual

It’s nearly a book! Over the weekend I tested the links between the book’s pages… twice, because on the first time through I found far more errors than I expected to find. The second test turned up none at all, which was quite a relief. Laying out a nonlinear book presents all sorts of problems. I think I discovered most of them. I have an idea or two about how to do better next time but unfortunately there’s no really simple solution.

But with that all done, I wrote up and laid out the introduction and designed the cover (hey! That’s it overhead!) with which I am well pleased. You don’t see the back cover here because this is a dramatic re-creation of what the book itself will look like – all 128, full color pages of it!

I’ve been through one interesting round of revision with the printer – who knew that some fonts can’t be embedded into a document? – and it’s happily, probably, all sorted now. I just need to have them review the new files and approve them so that I can order a proof copy. And wait.

No doubt I’ll find a few things to finesse once I’ve got the proof because, you know, that’s what proofs are for. But for now I need to rotate my brain forty-five degrees and get back to work on the web site. So far, still on track for an April launch.

Update: the Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual web site is now alive (alive, I tell you!) at thrilling-tales.webomator.com

Bride of Thrilling Tales

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

As planned, I’m working now on both the book layouts for the first Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual volume, and on finishing up the Thrilling Tales web site.

There are some technical features on the site that I couldn’t really work on without actual content (and boy, have I got that now!) There’s also a feature that I decided to add after I’d started in on the art. You can see that at the upper right: big pop-up versions of the illustrations.

That in itself wouldn’t have been difficult except that I had to retrofit the existing pop-up window code – not written by me – to be much more flexible. I was already using these windows for big info panels about items you pick up in the course of the story, and I plan to use them for the save/load panels, too. So I had to teach the system to be happier about taking content in different ways and to accept the dynamic content that is 90% of what happens on the pages.

Thrilling Tales: The Web Site
Thrilling Tales: The Book

The surprising thing is that although the technical tasks weren’t easy, they haven’t taken much time at all, now that I look back on them. Still some more of that stuff to do, but it’s going well.

At the lower right is a working layout for the book pages. Just arriving at a basic layout that looks great and works across all those pages is more difficult than you might expect.

Because book pages (unlike web pages) are all the same size. I need to present a certain amount of information like the items and options shown across the bottom of the page for each node in the story. In a few cases I’ll need to go to a two page spread – I’ve always known that. But I want to keep those to a minimum so there’s a lot of trial and error with the page layout to see how it works for a variety of story nodes. Inevitably there are some that are just slightly too long – way too long would have been better. Slightly too long is complicated.

Anyhow, that process is nearly done. Soon I’ll be laying out all of the pages for real. And then – because in its way this is an interactive book – I’ll actually have to test it. Strange but true.

Update: the Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual web site is now alive (alive, I tell you!) at thrilling-tales.webomator.com

Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual Hits the Home Stretch

Filed under Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual, Works in Progress

ID Card from the Future That Never WasWith the last three "inventory" illustrations (which I haven’t been counting) I’m now, honestly, finally, completely 100% and no-foolin’ done with the art for the first story at Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual. It’s ALIIIIIVE!

Or, you know, the art’s done, anyway. I still have two other tasks to wrap up before the site’s ready for the general public. But this single massive task has been keeping me going since late August. Out of the past seven months I’ve spent about one month working on other things. So forgive me for busting out the beer a little early. Or I would, anyway, if I could find Red Hook ESB anywhere in this county (state?)

So, yep, I’m still on track for a site launch sometime in April, with the live (free!) web version of Trapped in the Tower of the Brain Thieves, the book version of the same story, various free bits and bobs like the Sci FI Pulp Title Generator (the Title-O-Tron), and all of that to be punctuated with the animated trailer which is still in its state of "maybe I’m done". That sly minx.

Update: the Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual web site is now alive (alive, I tell you!) at thrilling-tales.webomator.com

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