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Eye of Ra Photography: Architecture, Protest, and Lucky Frogs

Filed under Found on the Web

Eye of Ra Photography is the new online photography gallery of my long lost cousin, Katie McCarley. Well. Okay, she’s not lost. Nobody lost her. We’ve just never met. “Long lost” just sounded better, or anyway I thought so, until I saw the end of this paragraph. Now that I’m here, I’m just not sure any more.

Now that we’ve found her, though, we should be interested in seeing these pictures. They range from documentary protest photos, some of which remind me of my San Francisco days, to architectural and animal photographs (including the only zebra that’s made me laugh and leap, simultaneously) to all sorts of miscellany. My favorite’s this trio of three-legged lucky frogs from a New Orleans voodoo shop. There’s also some digital work, mainly photomanipulation, along with fractals.

Katie’s gallery site is new, but some of these are also available as prints in her Deviant Art pages.

Parametric Human Modeling for 3D Character Design

Filed under Can't Stop Thinking, Computer Graphics

I’ve just run across this amazing presentation on YouTube – and as I dug a bit deeper, I found that one of the most amazing things about it is that it originated in 1999, to accompany a SIGGRAPH paper by Volker Blanz and Thomas Vetter. It’s not that 1999 is actually ancient history – it’s just that the technology behind this is so very interesting that I don’t understand why it hasn’t already worked its way down to commercial applications (unless it has – but more on that below).

This demo shows how a 3D database of 200 textured male and female faces was used as the foundation for a human face modeling system, and much more – among other things you’ll see how the software uses its raw data to extrapolate a 3D face from a single photograph. It even invented matching textures, whether the photo was in color or in black and white. The same techniques were used to generate expressions for the faces.

In the rest of this post I’m going to muse about what all this could mean. So in the interest of full disclosure I must admit to you that in my last post I mentioned that I was skinning a set of 3D characters, and that skinning characters – without fail – drives me insane. It doesn’t take much of a leap here for you to realize that you are probably reading the thoughts of a crazy person. So make of this what you like.


Character Skinning Drives Me Insane

Filed under Computer Graphics, Works in Progress

Always. Has. Always. Will.


Days and days and days and days of insanity lie ahead. If you see me, kill me now.

First “Futurama” Movie Releases on Nov. 27th

Filed under Reading / Watching / Consuming

Futurame MovieIt looks like Thanksgiving will be the time to stock up on a few cases of Slurm and kick back in the Robolounger, because Amazon is now taking pre-orders for the (first!) Futurama movie on DVD.

Yep – the evil Fox Empire did indeed axe Futurama several years ago – but they’ve been so pleased by its sales on DVD that they’ve contracted for up to four direct to DVD movies from Matt Groening et al.

Each of the direct to DVD movies will also be sliced up into separate episodes for airing on Comedy Central (and – one assumes – elsewhere, as time goes on). This first movie is scheduled for a November 27th release on DVD.

“Bender’s Big Score” sends the crew of Planet Express on a time traveling adventure that involves nudist alien Internet scammers, Leela’s love life, and Fry’s buttocks. It is not to be missed.

Zazzle Remakes Itself and Invents Competition in Print on Demand

Filed under Print On Demand

zazzle remakes itselfZazzle is certainly not a newcomer to the print-on-demand universe; they’ve been around for several years, and they have an attractive selection of products for designers to customize. But it’s always been hard to take them seriously as a profitable partner, and that was for two reasons.

1. Their terms of service (whether through design or error) seemed to state that once you’d uploaded an image to their servers for use on products, that design would remain available there (non-exclusively) forever, even if you deleted both the products and the image. It was possible to contact them directly to have the design removed – eventually – but this was a ridiculous necessity.

2. They didn’t allow you to set the markup on items you sold through their site. If you wanted to sell there, you were limited to whatever profit Zazzle had decided you should make on the products.

These two points have always left Zazzle as a non-starter. Even if they were simply bumbling their way through the first point, the second one was a tremendous barrier to anyone who wanted to actually earn a living through the sale of their work. Zazzle’s markups were not attractive, and you were stuck with them.

But as of this week, these two issues have gone away. (In fact the “we’ll keep your images forever” problem seemed to have been cleared up earlier this year, though their web site had conflicting information about the change.) As of this week designers who sell at Zazzle are able to set their own markups on their merchandise. This is a very interesting development and it comes late in a year when their largest competitor (CafePress) has seemed to do everything in its power to alienate and infuriate the shopkeepers who design the products whose sales line CafePress’ cubicles with gold.

The Zazzle site is in the middle of a revision and it’s a bit wonky at the moment – for example, a lot of important content is popping up in small, non-scrolling windows – but it’s well worth checking out.

While the roost is still ruled by Cafepress, print-on-demand designers have lately benefited from quality-oriented competition at Printfection, a much smaller (apparel only) rival*. These changes at Zazzle mean that CafePress is about to have a big competitor that has almost everything CP offers – with a slightly smaller and different selection of products, but essentially the same.

The last big feature that CafePress has exclusively is their volume bonus, with which designers get an additional tiered bonus based on their amount of sales. The volume bonus is so important to some successful CP shopkeepers that it’s the only real thing holding them there, lately. If Zazzle were to adopt a similar volume bonus, we would see a completely level playing field between them. And that would be a very good thing.

Like any monopoly or near-monopoly CafePress treats its designer/shopkeepers as though they have nowhere else to go. That hasn’t been completely true for some time now, but at this point even they must see it. This can only be a good thing for those who use these services. It’s called competition, and it means that you have to do a good job and offer good service.

Or not, of course. But as of this week, “Or Not” has really big teeth.

*Printfection rocks, actually. But in this context, they’re a smaller player whose products are limited to shirts, coasters, and cutting boards.

“Video 3000” animation from Stuttgart

Filed under Computer Graphics, Found on the Web

Video 300 short film

Video 3000 is a short animated film by a group of five students from the Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart. It was shown at Cannes earlier this year.

I’d really like for you to go watch it, but it would be better if I didn’t say much about why – you’ll have a better time, believe me.

What I can say is that the character animation is terrific. You’ll immediately relate to how Our Hero responds to the situation he finds himself in, and the various things he does are wonderfully well observed and animated.

Apache Legend Animated in French Student Film

Filed under Computer Graphics, Found on the Web

French animation of an Apache legend

HUGH is a fantastic short film by a group of four students from France’s École Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques. We see an Apache shaman telling some children a story about the days when the sky was so low that birds couldn’t fly, trees couldn’t grow, and adults had to walk with their backs bent and their eyes glued to the ground.

The “present day” scene of the storyteller is rendered in a wonderfully realistic but stylized manner – the characters remind me of the successful treatment of human characters in Ice Age – while the story itself appears in a completely different style that’s echoed n the decoration we see on the storyteller’s tent. From those creative decisions, through its execution, and including the animation and the voice and audio work, this is a first rate effort that’s head and shoulders above what you expect to see in a student film.

Here it is, in DIVX format, with English subtitles. Go look!

Ars Technica’s History of the Amiga, Part 4

Filed under Computer Graphics, Found on the Web

Amiga Computer HistoryAfter a hiatus – which followed a bit of a letdown in Part 3 – Ars Technica’s History of the Amiga continues in Part 4 – once more in fine form. We get the background on both Jack Tramiel and Irving Gould and follow Amiga Inc. through near-disaster to its apparent salvation at the hands of Commodore.

Some props are given to Carl Sassenrath for the Amiga kernel and his plans for the OS; we see some pushing and shoving in the decision on how much RAM to include in the machine; and we get a vivid description of the Amiga’s launch event, complete with Debby Harry and Andy Warhol.

And perhaps most importantly we see how the world at large received the news. There’s a pointed contrast with the other machines then available and a bit of prescience about how these outlandish features would one day become commonplace. Good reading.

Retropolis Transit hits the back pages of Sci-Fi Magazine

Filed under Works in Progress

sci fi magazine promoHey! It’s not often that the outside world takes notice of what I’m up to in the Secret Laboratory – and honestly, that may be a good thing, given that whole Death Ray ironing board thing I was working on last week – but I’m cheered to see that the Sci Fi Channel’s magazine has a little promo for my Retropolis Transit Authority site’s retro-futuristic t-shirts. It’s in the December issue – I just got my comp copy today.

Alas for me, this section of the magazine doesn’t get reproduced on their web site. But what the heck – I’ll take it!

Celtic Knotwork Peace Sign – where the 1960’s meet the 960’s

Filed under Works in Progress

Celtic Peace SymbolHere’s a symbol I’ve wanted to remake with Celtic knotwork for, well, a long time – a Peace sign.

And having made it, I’ve produced it for T-shirts (in both silver and gold versions), posters, cards, mugs, boxes, framed tiles, and coasters. I get that way.

Give Peace a chance, okay?

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